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Tuesday 2 April 2013

Kyle Leon Review - Organic Food

Kyle Leon : Do you buy organic food? What you should know about them and what to watch out for!

Kyle Leon : You may have also found that (we - the consumers of food) is divided into two camps: those who revel healthy lifestyle and organic food. Others much on healthy foods and do not believe everything the adjective "organic" they seem to be just a matter of fashion.

What is healthy can also taste

Why should organic food be tastier and more beneficial to health?, Asks the skeptic.

Fans of healthy organic products it certainly explains the reason for his assertion: the very fact that organic products are "products" organic farming means that these products are a little depleted.

The organic products are missing what we have abundantly received in recent years in vegetables, fruits, milk and meat. Conventional agriculture is mostly on yields and those achieved with the help of a number of chemical products.

 They are spraying against pests, diseases, weeds in crop production (to a good dose of fertilizer) and plenty of growth hormones and antibiotics in livestock.

All this in organic lacking Organic farming is grown without sprays, fertilizers and stimulators, animal husbandry can do without the aid of hormones and antibiotic treatment is the exception, applied in the last resort.

 Even then it is an animal in quarantine until his body rid of drug residue.

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