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Saturday, 6 April 2013

Grow Taller 4 Idiots - Excessive Height Growth

Excessive growth is observed more frequently in men. It is conditioned by the following factors: constitutional factors. Determines the growth process, which is confirmed by the fact that especially tall parents may have children whose growth will be much higher than the average normal for age (high rise constitutional).
Hormonal factors - among these factors one of the most important is the increased secretion of growth hormone or increasing the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to the action. Growth hormone activity in children causes excessive bone growth along the entire length (pituitary gigantism), the same disease in adult life, when the cartilage is already numb, and causing excessive growth in width.

Grow Taller 4 Idiots : Increased secretion of other hormones can increase growth. Distinguish between forms associated with hypothyroidism and forms associated with premature aging of different origin, which reduces the final height. Under these conditions, growth hormone activity leads to premature aging of the skeletal system, thus contributing to the accelerated growth (children are higher than peers) is an early fusion of articular cartilage and thereby early growth arrest.

Chromosomal aberrations - chromosomal change responsible for the high growth is associated with Klinefelter Syndrome. Excessive growth is due to the delayed closing of cartilage conjugation. Treatment of excessive growth is related to the underlying disease. In the case of pituitary adenoma forms of radiation therapy is indicated or surgical intervention.

Hypoplasia is increased due to the activity of growth hormone does not always require treatment. It is advisable to use appropriate male and female sex hormones in high doses in order to facilitate the union of cartilage and inhibition of pituitary function.

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